The Dance
I was not sure what to do. Not that I was not having a good time. The music was great and we all danced for a while. When the partners disappeared, and I did not have a date that day, it left me wondering what to do. A little scared too.
Then this tall good looking guy walks up to me and asks me if I would like to dance. I was not so sure. I suppose he must have sensed that, for he assured me it will be alright.
We slow danced to the haunting tunes of the Saxaphone for a long time. It was so warm and gentle. No, I was not in love with him or neither he, with me. We enjoyed the dance and the moment.
Some people are like that I think. They don't stay forever. But the few moments you spend with them lives in your heart for a lifetime. Their memory lives on like a gentle perfume that stays on you and keeps you young, leaving a warm glow that lights up your soul everytime you are back on that old familiar trail.