From the Book Shop

So how did I end up buying books today? Well, this is how the story goes.

The plan was to have dinner at my cousin's place. In between, I had decided to catch up with a friend. Mom is not in town and I am home alone, and had some extra hours in the evening to spare. Work surprisingly finished quickly.

By evening, after I headed home, the plan had collapsed. My cousin had to visit someone at the hospital, and my friend was stuck at work. I was stuck at home or so I thought.

So I asked my watchman to keep my bike ready for take off and I vroomed to Odessey, my usual stop.

Infact, I was planning to buy books on Photoshop and Framemaker, but was so charmed by Salman Rushdie's, The Enchantress of Florence, I picked it up instead of the original plan. I also chanced upon another interesting find, King Solomon's Mines by H.Rider Haggard, an adventure flick. Finally, a pretty practical book for creating effective training programs, by Robert W.Pike, titled, Creative Training Techniques, where the author states the obvious, but is nevertheless engaging.
I was too excited with my new finds. So I signed my copy, made some simple dinner of poha, gulped down a glass of cold buttermilk seasonsed with asafoetida, salt, and mustard seeds, cleaned the kitchen, secured the locks and retired to the cozy confines of my room.
The next best thing would be to blog about it and so I did.


Primitive Lyric said…
have u read "A thousand splendid suns?" It was a really good one. Loved it!
Going to the landmark sale today.

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