My Fourth Blog

I contemplated about creating a separate blog for my 'OTHER' interests, but the idea was vehemently opposed by Wendy and Tza Tza. I was declared 'mentally unfit'. I already had three blogs under my belt (yeah, I like to make them sound like Global Awards) and now, a fourth one????? So for a moment I decided to weave in the OTHERS along with my mainstream posts. Then the moment passed and I changed my mind.
Welcome to my fourth blog: Utopia
A parallel planet, which promotes awareness on a wide variety of issues ranging from afforestation to folklore to preserving the ecosystem.


come on! none of us said you were "mentally unfit" ! not one!
AquaM, very very bad of you...we just politely asked you to reconsider your decision, cuz know why!!
daimm! but you a meanunn!! a reeel meanunn!!
My Ramblings... said…
No one was vehemently against it the way you put it. We wanted you to reconsider as ur blog on forwards was just sitting there. You could have revamped that. Suggestion only. Best of Luck for the fourth one.
AquaM said…
whatever guys, u were appalled, agahst at my decision. U guys vehemently opposed it. Thnks,drop by often guys.
Thanks for the support.
Abaniko said…
Four blogs? That's like WORK already. But if they're fun to you, go ahead and enjoy. We're always here to pry. :D
Eleventh Heaven methinks is misleading. It sounds like you are high on happiness or something! You should change it.

-A friend's opinion.
from nothings aplenty and my ramblings: You are being very very mean. suit urself.
we both hope all ur blogs go well. really sincerely.
AquaM said…
Dear Friend,

Ramblings n Wendy,
CMon guys.

Hey Abaniko
Thx for the support:))))most welcome to pry.
Soumyadip said…
I was aware of only two and now the fourth. Which is the third?
Soumyadip said…
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Soumyadip said…
Your response on my post triggered my memory. I remember visiting the third one too.
Anonymous said…
four blogs is just fine! :)

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