Doctor's Advise: A follow up of The Shampoo Test

Due to the overwhelming response, I decided to chat up with the good doctor and clarify a few concerns regarding the test.

Question 1: Where can I go looking for roaches?
Doc sez: Attic, basement, washrooms, pipelines, drainage, dustbins

Question 2: DO I have to strictly conduct the shampoo test on roaches or will any other pest do?
Doc sez: Preferably roaches since I have worked them in the past. But if you have no other alternative, then you can try out the test on other pests.

Question 3: How do I take the pulse of the roach in order to verify its death?
Doc sez: Keep the insect still, preferably overturned.Take a stethoscope and take the pulse. Good luck.


My Ramblings... said…
AquaM said…
hmm, can't fight the doc's advise na!!!
You guys fight even online!!!
AquaM said…
she is like my lil sis, I should ideally be punching her:)
Soumyadip said…
Where do I get the stethoscope from?
Soumyadip said…
And speaking of other pests, do bosses qualify?
Naveen said…
I guess, its hightime to call the SPCA :) I dont know if there is something called SPCI (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Insects) LOL!!
Rita said…
hullo AquaM,
Please get my doubt clarified from the doc. I want to know the dose of shampoo that has to be used on a roach.
Looking forward to a speedy response.
Thanks and Regards,
AquaM said…
From the Doc to Soumyadip:

YOu can either borrow the stethoscope from a doctor friend or from a family doctor.

Yup, bosses totally qualify.

To Rita: She will let u know shortly. But my guess is that when the pest stops moving, it is a sign that the chemical has worked and you can stop.

Hi Naveeen,
The SPCI is funding this experiment:))

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