The Experiment with Truth

Alright. AFJ and I were taking our usual post lunch walk. We chanced upon three ducks basking in the sun. Of the two, one particular duck had a shiny green neck and was the most beautiful among the three. He was quaking continously. So AFJ and I joined in. More quacking, except that the duck's voice got louder. I suppose we sounded hideous.

But I decided we should move on and not interfere in the affairs of our feathered friends. 

But AFJ just wanted to stay there because she could not take her eyes off the ducks. She called out to them, "Tthu tthhu..". I politely reminded her that they were infact ducks and not the canine variety.

Now to add a touch of adventure to our story: AFJ was overcome by this temptation to touch the ducks. I warned her. I told her that they are going to feel threatened and attack her. But nay, she would not listen to me. So she went near them, and our green necked friend rushed at her and AFJ instinctively moved back. A small scream escaped her lips. I sported a smug look which spelt, "I told you so". But she wanted to experiement and find out for herself. Good.

I am glad that I had learnt my lessons well. Thanks to Animal Planet.


Soumyadip said…
Beware of their bills. They strike real hard. Not Animal Planet, but friends who proudly displayed bruised shins as evidences of their bird-teasing adventures. By the way, the girls in our school also kicked real hard with their 'Naughty Boy' shoes.
Ok Soumyadip, I will henceforth not try to befriend ducks no matter how tempting that is.
Obi Wan said…
I hereby express my heartfelt sympathies for the poor ducks, who had to undergo such tremendous shock and mental trauma due to this undue interference into their post lunch swim by two pestering humans :-)
My Ramblings... said…
Awwww poor AFJ. Well atleast she got away.
asuph said…
lol @ obi. I agree.
i mean, just bcos they don't say it doesn't mean they don't like their space :D

(especially true, if they happened to be male!)

AquaM said…
Soumyadip, yeah after what I saw the drama unfold in front of my eyes, I solemnly swear not to bother them.

AFJ, you sound like a naughty child who has been caught red handed.

Obi Wan, hahahha!

Ramblings, AFJ's experiments with the truth and that makes for a nice post.

Asuph, amen!!!!!!! sure am gald to be in from of my desktop.
Cookie said…
Haah ha very funny and cute blog:)
Hope ur friend stays away from those duckies...(her comment is funny)
by the way, I love the Animal planet.The cats are just adorable!

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