Daniel Pinkwater: Uncle Boris in the Yukon and Other Shaggy Dog Stories

Daniel Pinkwater's, "Uncle Boris in the Yukon and Other Shaggy Dog Stories", is a delightful piece that takes the reader through Pinkwater's hilariously dysfunctional family and the crazy world of dogs and creatures that have been part and parcel of the family.
Like Uncle Boris, who loves surprising people with unwanted gifts; Pedro, the parrot who is intelligent, affectionate and psychotic; Bootsie, a hideous Boston terrier; Maxine, the Yellow Lab who had no particular talent; Jake, Arthur, Arctic Flake, Lulu and other Malamutes and huskies, each have a story to tell. The list is endless and just gets better and better.
Jill, the author's better half usually has the creatures, both domestic and wild, eating out of her hands except for Juno, the couple's Malamute.
A leaf from the book:
"...And on many a night, a Malamute would slide between the sleeping couple and up beneath the covers from the foot of the bed, place her back against me, her four huge feet against Jill, and slowly shove her out of the bed. Mornings when Jill would arise before me, I might wake to the sight of a grotesquely grinning face on the pillow next to mine, gazing lovingly on her sleeping master."
If your an animal lover and if you are crazy about dogs just like I am, the book will surely appeal to you as a masterpiece. And for those of you who are not dog-crazy, the book is guaranteed to have you in splits, thus ensuring that you look crazy.
Daniel Pinkwater, wherever you are, I love you! And Jill, no harm meant, I'm hopelessly in love with dogs.


Obi Wan said…
Looks broadly on the lines of Gerald Durrel's 'My Family and other animals' which I read more than a decade ago. It was cracking stuff. Your post is the first time I'm hearing of Daniel Pinkwater. Sounds interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!
dwaipayan said…
thanks for dropping by. and hey, i would love u to join that game,too. so....check it out and join the game. its fun....
U'll get the rules at http://whatwouldidoifibelikeyou.blogspot.com/

It cud be gr8 fun...lets see where this goes! :)
Soumyadip said…
The part-time librarian is also evolving into a book proposer.
Cheshire Cat said…
Thanks for the tip. Will check it out...
My Ramblings... said…
I am borrowing it once I am done with "Bark if you love me".
AquaM said…
Hi Obi Wan, Cheshire Cat
I hope you will enjoy reading the book as much as I did.

Hi Dwaipayan,
Thx, drop by more often.


Of course Ramblings, you may borrow the book.

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